Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Natural Remedies For Premature Greying of Hair

The hair has a tendency to lose its natural color with advancing age. It is therefore natural for the hair to turn grey with age. But premature greying is a morbid condition and it makes even the young look older. This causes a great deal of concern to affected persons, especially women.

Causes of Greying:

A faulty diet and mental worries are the two primary causes of premature greying of hair. It is mainly due to the lack of some of the B vitamins, of iron, copper and iodine in the daily diet that this hair disorder is caused at a young age these days. Mental worries produce an extraordinary tension in the skin of the scalp which interferes with the supply of vital nutrition necessary for the health of the hair.


         Diet is of utmost importance in the prevention and treatment of premature greying of hair and persons suffering from this disorder should take a diet rich in all essential nutrients. The vitamins considered useful in premature greying of hair are pantothenic acid, para-aminobenzoic acid or PABA and inositol. The minimum daily requirement of these vitamins appears to be 10 mg. of pantothenic acid, 100 gm. of para-aminobenzoic acid and 2000 mg. of  inositol.

The three anti-grey hair vitamins can be produced in the intestinal tract by bacteria. Thus drinking a litre of yogurt daily with a tablespoon of yeast before each meal will be an excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of premature greying of hair.

Carrots are especially useful in furnishing fresh blood and maintaining the health of the hair.

Remedies at Home

Certain home remedies have been found useful in the prevention and treatment of premature greying of hair. The foremost among these is the use of Indian gooseberry or amla which is a valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth and hair pigmentation. The fruit, cut into pieces, should be dried, preferably in the shade. These pieces should be boiled in coconut oil till the solid matter become little charred dust. This darkish oil is very useful in preventing greying.

The water in which dried amla pieces are soaked overnight is Indian gooseberry (amla) is considered highly beneficial in the treatment of premature greying of hair, also nourishing to the hair. This water should be used for the last rinse while washing the hair.

Massaging the scalp with a teaspoonful of amla juice mixed with a teaspoonful of almond oil or few drops of lime juice, every night has proved beneficial in the prevention and treatment of premature graying of hair.

Liberal intake of curry leaves is considered beneficial in preventing premature greying of hair. These have the property to give vitality and strength to hair roots. New hair roots that grow are healthier with normal pigment. The leaves can be used in the form of chutney or these may be squeezed in butter- milk or lassi. When the leaves are boiled in coconut oil, the oil forms an excellent hair tonic to stimulate hair growth and bring back hair pigmentation.

The butter made from cow’s milk has the property to prevent premature greying of hair. A small roll may be taken internally and a little quantity may be massaged into the hair root twice a week.

The paste of henna leaves, boiled in coconut oil to get darkish oil, can be used as a hair dye to blacken grey hair. The paste itself can be applied to the hair and washed away after a few hours to dye the grey hair. Washing the hair with concentrated tea extract twice a week is also considered useful in coloring grey hair to brown or black.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Magical Ways To Reduce Face Wrinkles.

Wrinkles and fine lines can sometimes make us look older. There are three natural ways that will help to reduce or remove fine lines and wrinkles from your face.
Granny therapy is available for this, why should pay lot of money for harmful chemicals. They are good to treat wrinkles and skin also.


Grapes contain the great aid for removing wrinkles and fine lines. It contains alpha-hydroxy fruit acid. It also gives smoothness of skin. Simply apply grapes juice on your face. Allow to dry for 15 minutes. After that wash with water and pat gentle dry. Use it regularly and make the changes.

Note: If you have sensitive skin or allergies, first be sure to test a small spot of skin and then try.


Cabbage is also very good for skin. It is rich source of vitamin C. It also contains glutamine, an amino acid .It has anti – inflammatory properties and low calorie food also. Apply cabbage juice on your skin and allow to dry. Then rinse off with water and pat gentle dry. Apply it for weekly twice. You will notice reducing fine lines on your face.


Bananas are only fruit to suit all type of skins. It is worldwide fruit that is easily available on any place.
Mash the banana until it will smooth. Apply it on your face. Leave it for twenty minutes. Then wash off with normal water. Pat dry gently on your face. You will wonder how smoothness your face. It will work magically within twenty minutes. Keep try it weekly twice. You also get supple skin.

How To Apply Liquid Eyeliner !

Monday, 31 October 2011

Do You Know About Minoxidil?

  Minoxidil is a medication which is widely used for hair fall solution. Minoxidil is the widening blood vessels medications which also slows or stop the hair falls and promotes hair re-growth. Minoxidil is now marketed under many trade names includes Mintop, Rogaine, Morr , Loniten and so on. Most of the hair fall therapy available on the market contains minoxidil content.

  Minoxidil was first used to treat high blood pressure. However it was discovered that have interesting side effects. Minoxidil may cause increased hair growth or thickening hair.

  Minoxidil is a liquid format to treat hair fall. Percentage value of minoxidil is varying which may increase to cure baldness also. Concentration of minoxidil solution is scaled from 2% to 5%. Some of them contain alcohol contents. Hair loss and baldness treatment usually include 2% concentration solutions that are designed for women and 5% concentration solution is designed for men.

  Small quantity of this liquid needs to be applied on the hair fall area once or the recommended twice daily. It must be used daily for continued support of existing hair follicle and the maintenance of hair re-growth. When this medication discontinued, hair fall will return within one or two months.

  Common side effects of minoxidil include itching, redness or irritations at the applied area, Irritation of the eyes, unwanted hair growth elsewhere on the body.

  Hair fall solution content minoxidil with alcohol may dry scalp. It may cause dandruff.

Get Rosy Lips Naturally.

Dark lips remedy
    •  Apply coriander leaves juice on your lips.
    •  leave it over night. 
    •  Next morning wash it with tap water. 
    •  Do it daily.
    • After 3 days you will notice that your lips turn into pink color.

      Health Benefits of Carrots.

      Carrot is very rich source of beta-carotene. It is cancer fighting agent. Our body converts it into vitamin A. It is very important for healthy eyes. It has great benefit to immune and digestive systems.

      Carrots are also good for skin, hair and nails. It can improve the appearance of skin.

       Apply carrot juice on your face and wash off after 15 mins. Use it daily and you will notice complexion improvement.

      Carrots contain digestible fiber and water also. If the carrots are eaten whole all the nutrients of carrots are available to our body. Some nutrients like digestible fiber are removed in the carrot juices.

      Carrot juice is like a health tonic. It will improve the overall health of you and your family. It will increase your immunity. Carrot juice has lot of minerals. Two glasses of carrot juice a day which increases your immunity.

      You can also make carrot juice using carrot, some spinach or beetroot. Add little lime juice with the carrot juice. It will increase the taste also. Add seasoning if you needed. Yummy nutrients drink ready.

      Beauty Tips for Glowing Skin

       Glowing Skin...Everyone wants to look cool. There are many products for glowing skin in markets. I have no doubt that helps permanently or temporary. But I want to share natural ways to get glowing skin. They will surely help you to make changes.


      Almond is rich source of Vitamin E. Vitamin E is as a powerful anti-oxidant that is considered very important for healthy and youthful skin.

       They are also rich in dietary fiber, Vitamin B and have lot of essential minerals. It is suitable for any type skin.

      Almond benefits for skin:
      •     Improve complexion and retain glow.
      •     Reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
      •     Make skin smooth and supple.
      •     Nourishes and moisturizes skin.
      •     Delays skin aging.

           Soak two almonds in water about two hours. After that easily remove the almond skins. Grind almonds with milk into fine paste. Apply it over your face and neck except eyes and mouth area. Allow it to dry.

         You will feel it tighten your skin. You will notice that it is absorbed by the skin. After that remove gently and slowly using wet cotton. Wash off with water if needed.

         You will notice your skin smooth, soft and supple. You will see your skin complexion improvement. It will reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

         You can apply the mask twice the week that will help to make changes.